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Views : 7,801 2011-01-17 18:23
질문과답변 75271
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Qualified Degree Seeking Student applicants must submit the following:
  1. A completed admission application form
  2. A non-refundable application fee
  3. An official transcript from an accredited institution of learning attended documenting the completion of matriculation. Transcripts must be sent directly from each such institution to the Seminary. Transcripts from other countries may need to be validated by the Philippine Embassy.
  4. An autobiography describing the applicant's personal background, Christian experience, ministerial call, and reason for applying to this graduate school. Note especially the call and experience of regeneration, sanctification, Spirit baptism, divine healing, etc. This document should be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins.
  5. Three letters of recommendation submitted on the printed forms provided by the Seminary.
Qualified Non-Degree Seeking Student applicants submit the following:
  1. A completed admission application form.
  2. A non-refundable application fee
  3. An official transcript from an accredited institution of learning attended documenting the completion of metriculation. Transcripts must be sent directly from each such institution to the Seminary. Transcripts from other countries may need to be validated by the Philippine Embassy
  4. Non-degree seeking students may pursue up to 12 semester hours in this classification after which they must consult with the Academic Dean to justify continuation in this category. Before students are accepted into a degree program, they must complete all steps for the degree seeking student.
Audit Only Student applicants must submit the following:
  1. A completed admission application form.
  2. A non-refundable application fee
  3. If an audit only student decides to later become a degree seeking student, he/she must submit the required documents and meet all admission requirements set forth in the Degree Seeking Student section.
Qualified Special Student applicants must submit the following:
  1. A completed admission application form.
  2. A non-refundable application fee
  3. An official transcript from an accredited institution of learning attended documenting the completion of matriculation. Transcripts must be sent directly from each such institution to the Seminary. Transcripts from other countries may need to be validated by the Philippine Embassy
  4. An autobiography describing the applicant's personal background, Christian experience, ministerial call, and reason for applying to this graduate school. Note especially the call and experience of regeneration, sanctification, Spirit baptism, divine healing, etc. This document should be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins.
  5. Three letters of recommendation submitted on the printed forms provided by the Seminary.
  6. A Ministerial Experience Questionnaire listing each segment of ministry involvement
  7. with a brief description (including dates) of ministry activity.
Special Students are a limited number of qualified applicants who are credentialed ministers (with preference given to Church of God credentialed ministers and special consideration given to Pentecostal Denominations). The total number of special students may be as many as, but not exceed, ten percent (10%) of the students in degree programs. Special students are those who do not possess a baccalaureate degree or its educational equivalent and may be admitted under the following guidelines:
  1. The applicant must be at least 35 years of age and must have been a full-time minister for 15 years; and
  2. Once accepted, the special student must complete 12 hours of class work and maintain a 2.5 or higher GPA for those 12 credit hours.
  3. Once a special student completes the above criteria, he/she must apply to be accepted into a regular degree program.
College Seniors and Senior ASCM students may be accepted for dual enrollment, provided the combined course load does not exceed 16 semester hours. Seminary courses taken under the dual enrollment policy will not be recorded for seminary credit until the student has received the baccalaureate degree and completed one semester of enrollment at the Seminary.

College Senior applicants must submit the following:
  1. A completed admission application form;
  2. A non-refundable application fee
  3. An official transcript from the accredited institution of higher learning where they are currently enrolled.


Admission request of applicants completing all steps of the admission process will be presented to the Admissions Committee. The Admissions Committee determines if an applicant is accepted and what the admission status of that applicant is based on the admission documents submitted by the applicant.

Official Acceptance
Applicants meeting all admission eligibility requirements will be granted official acceptance by the Admissions Committee. Students entering with provisional or conditional status must meet the requirement of that acceptance status before official acceptance is awarded.

Provisional Acceptance
If the Admissions Committee believes an applicant has the potential for success in the degree program to which admission is sought, they may accept the applicant into the degree program as a regular student with provisional status. The student with provisional status must meet the following requirements to move from provisional to official acceptance:
1) Complete a minimum of 9 credit hours and
2) Earn a cumulative GPA of 1.75 or better
The provisional designation will be removed once the student meets these and all other admission requirements set by the Seminary. Applicants accepted on a provisional enrollment basis in all degree programs are limited to a maximum of 12 credit hours the first semester of enrollment. A provisional status student with a cumulative GPA below 2.5 for the first term of enrollment is subject to immediate dismissal.

Conditional Acceptance
Seminary applicants who have submitted a completed admission application form, an up-to-date autobiography, and an unofficial transcript may be accepted as a regular student with conditional enrollment status. Those students with conditional status have their first term of enrollment to submit all of the remaining required admission material. The applicant will be withdrawn from the program if he/she does not complete the admission requirements by the end of the first term. The student will not be eligible to register for a second term until the conditional status is removed.
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필리핀가자 [쪽지 보내기] 2011-01-17 19:51 No. 75295
다번역 해주려 해도 편집이 불편해서 양이 많네요 이메일로 하면 몰라도
Qualified Degree Seeking Student applicants must submit the following:
자격이 되는 지원자는 다음서류를 갖추어야한다
1.A completed admission application form
등록신청서 작성할것
2.A non-refundable application fee
등록 신청비 ( 환불되지 않음)
3.An official transcript from an accredited institution of learning attended documenting the completion of matriculation. Transcripts must be sent directly from each such institution to the Seminary. Transcripts from other countries may need to be validated by the Philippine Embassy.
다닌기존성적은 학교에서 직접 발송해야하면 즉 본인이 배달하는것은 무효이고, 외국에서 학교를 다닌
사람은 자국에 있는 필리핀 대사관에서 공증해와야 한다.
4.An autobiography describing the applicant's personal background, Christian experience, ministerial call, and reason for applying to this graduate school. Note especially the call and experience of regeneration, sanctification, Spirit baptism, divine healing, etc. This document should be typed, double-spaced with one inch margins.
자신에 관하여 설명하고 본인 배경을 설명 기독교 경험왜 이학교 등록하려고 하는지,특별히 영적 경험등등등생략 신앙고백서를 쓰라는 이야기
5.Three letters of recommendation submitted on the printed forms provided by the Seminary.
Qualified Non-Degree Seeking Student applicants submit the following
3장의 추천서 목사님들로부터. 비학위 지원자들은 아래의 것을 제출해야한다
내용이 같고 너무 길어서 저는 이만...
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