Be carefull... It's people(2)

Views : 2,337 2023-03-01 12:41
자유게시판 1275408599
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Fake nbi against.. already report to office.. plz wait time

This person pretends to be an nbi employee and extorts money and valuables from the citizens who have chosen to go there
질의 중... 30초 정도 걸려요 ...
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님수통역 [쪽지 보내기] 2023-03-01 12:49 No. 1275408601
We will immediately report all text messages related to this to nbi. And two arrest warrants have been issued for him.
Bangfong [쪽지 보내기] 2023-03-02 07:26 No. 1275408809
필리핀 코로나19 상황
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